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Upcoming events


East End Studios- Milano

02/07/2015 - 30/09/2015

In collaboration with Artmeet.


ArtExpo 2015 Milano is a in-depth project where artists, art lovers and art collectors can meet each other to know alternative solutions to do business with art. ArtMeet presents the best selection of artists from around the world.


Estimated visitors at ArtExpo 2015 Milano art center: 5-10 thousand in 90 days, including artlovers, art collectors, tourists, families, children and guys for art labs, art advisors, art fund managers, art investors in view of special meetings about art business.


I will participate with the painting "The Book Eater

It is an artwork realized following the theme suggested by Expo 2015: “Feed your Mind, first”.  I celebrate the importance of knowledge, of the “hunger” of knowledge that I express through the most natural and instinctual existing action: eating. The book pages that complete the canvas are excerpts of great and fundamental literature masterpieces from different big cultures of the world, found in original language. Since knowledge comes from everywhere, and it speaks every existing language, the protagonist, with an astonished look, gradually becomes colorful while she is eating, and she would never be satisfied of tales and creativity.

Past events

Biennale D'arte Contemporanea di Milano

Novembre-Dicembre 2013, Milan

Sede 1: Via Anselmo da Baggio 55 (cascina Monastero Consiglio di Zona 7) 


Sede 2: Galleria Arte-Barocco in via Osteno, Milano


Curatori: Annamaria Niccoli,  Raffaele De Salvatore

Sede: Domus Talenti Via Quattro Fontane, Roma


Curatori: Prof. A.M. Barbagallo, Angelo Ribezzi

Danza con l'arte alla Domus II

Maggio-Giugno 2013, Rome

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